271.) Crimson Hourglass
This is a red tinted hourglass of Drow construction. When filled with the dried powdered blood of a living creature, that creature will age in the user's stead for the hour it takes for the sand to run down, providing that it fails a DC 16 fortitude saving throw. Additionally, if the dried blood is mixed with a poisonous substance the poison will be transmitted to the creature whose blood is being used (who may then save against it normally). The item functions no matter where the victim is, but a victim more than a mile away gains a +5 bonus on their save and a victim on another plane gains a further +5 (usually for a total of +10, except in the case of victims who are nearby but ethereal)
Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 12th?; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Death Knell, Poison; Price ?????; Weight ?????