Before Echo retires to his tower, Macharius takes him aside, one hand on his shoulder. Going to be a tough bit of sailing here, old sport. Dreadful thing, the Maw. Still, if we're to traverse it, I want you to know I wouldn't have it be done by any other Navigator. You're a master of the craft, and I have the utmost confidence in you. With your skill and the Emperor's grace, we'll make it through. He smiles and steps back, making the sign of the Aquila. The Emperor protects, Echo. Go forth and work His will.

Macharius takes to the command throne in preparation for the translation, contemplating the Saint's blessed bones as he addresses the crew. His voice booms throughout the shipboard vox. Voidsmen of Absalom! The Maw looms. It seeks to devour us, tests our resolve, tempts our fears. Lesser men would be inclined to turn and flee, tails between their legs. But we shall not falter! For we are in the care of a much greater power. We serve a God greater than all the beasts of the Warp combined. We are servants of the God-Emperor of Mankind, and by His Will we triumph! Let the Sea of Souls rage. Let the beasts howl. Let the darkness dash itself against our shields. We are not afraid, for we walk in the light of the Master of Mankind. Sing, voidsmen of Absalom! Sing the prayers of our glorious Emperor, and by our faith He will guide us through the night!

He leads the crew in prayer as long as he is able, retiring to rest and giving the vox over the the ship's confessor only when weariness makes it a necessity.