Arrow, rare
This strange arrow has a whistle shaped like a sparrow instead of a true arrowhead.
You can speak a message of up to twenty five words, specify a recipient by description and shoot the arrow in the general direction that the recipient is. The arrow then transforms into a sparrow and from then on acts exactly as if you had cast the animal messenger spell.

Arrow, very rare
Small green vines twist along the shaft of this arrow.
When you hit a large or smaller creature with this arrow, the vines spring to life, wrapping around it. The creature must succeed on a DC 14 strength saving throw, or be restrained for 1 minute. On its turn it can spend an action to make a DC 14 strength (athletics) check to break the vines. On a success it is no longer restrained.

Arrow, very rare
Instead of a single arrowhead, this shaft holds a bundle of thorns
When you hit a creature with this arrow, the spell hail of thorns takes effect. The DC for the spell is 14.

Arrow, very rare
These four arrows are tipped with hollow metal arrowheads painted indigo. When they fly through the air they make a keening whistling sound.
These act as normal arrows, but when shot they make a loud whistling sound that can be easily heard up to 300 feet away and deal magic damage. In addition, they can be used to cast the spell cordon of arrows even if you don't know the spell and without expending a spell slot. If the spell doesn't activate, you can recover the arrows for later use.


Weapon (dart), very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
These three darts are made with crimson crystalline tips and white fletchings.
You can use them as normal darts, in which case you add +1 to your attack rolls and damage. In addition, you can speak a command work and activate any number of darts. The darts magically fly to strike a creature of your choice that you can see. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, each dart deals 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier magical piercing damage and a ribbon of red light connects you to the target, granting you temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary hit points last until the end of your next long rest.
Each dart used this way regains this ability at next dawn.

Wondrous item, very rare
An opalescent nautilus shell houses a sluglike creature with fine tentacles. It radiates a sense of comfort.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) ability checks against creatures that are within 30 feet of you while you hold the nautiloid.
If you suffer a critical hit, the nautiloid emits a psychic scream. You and each creature within 30 feet of you take 3d10 psychic damage. If you take psychic damage from the critical hit, the nautiloid is also destroyed.

Arrow, legendary
When shot, the arrow transforms into an apparition of an ancient green dragon, terrorizing the creatures it touches.
When you shoot this arrow it deals no damage. Instead each creature in a line 20 feet wide and 240 feet long originating from you must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute.