The rich fool puffs and grumbles, looking daggers at the kenku who's tongue was as sharp as his beak before nodding to the tall woman on the aft deck. "As you say Mistress Lara, I will accept then that my cabin is the Master's cabin. As long as we understand that my wine stores are not for general consumption."...

With the moaning noble taken care of the Sea Wyvren plunges through the waves a few chains away from the Blue nixie, the elves aboard the Wyvren roaming the rigging like acrobatic circus performers. Its an exciting couple of days as the pair of ships plunge through the bay of Jeklea, each day the sun dawns bright in the sky and strong off shore trade winds drive the boats east across the sea.

As the boats cruise off the coast Urol excitedly joins you on deck one morning bouncing slightly from foot to foot with excitement. When asked he smiles and gestures to the shore, his little green hat bobbing up and down on his head. "It exciting, have a look at the shore soon." he points ahead at a dark smudge of forest. "The great web. Tens of miles of forest enveloped in webbing, its said that an ancient Olman spider demon cursed the valley and that at the heart is a golden temple with 8 towers, but of course no-one has seen it for the miles of spider infested forest."

He grins more excited to be speaking with anyone close by. "We will see some other sites on the voyage as well. There is the burning, where a valley was set ablaze and an entire tribe was sacrificed plus the wyvrens of the Jagged Cliffs..." The little gnomes seems aglow with excitement.


OOC optional stops...
* The spider forest
* The sacred forest (lizardmen sacrifices and petrified trees)
* The burnt pit
* The wyvren jagged cliffs