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Thread: The Treasure Map (IC)

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Sep 2008
    Germany (GMT +1)

    Default Re: The Treasure Map (IC)

    Having his companions' support, does bring a smile to his face. Hard to see, but they can spot it in the wrinkles around his eyes and Varin's beard lifting in just the right places.

    "Good to hear. Quite literally found it on my rounds. And yeah. Should take this elsewhere." It is clear what he says about where he found the map is not everything he has to say about it, but he is quite inclined to wrap things up in this place. Having shown the map, the details should be discussed elsewhere. Away from... the many, many people might eavesdrop, watch, or worse. Whatever made Varin pick this out of all places to break out the map.

    Spoiler: OOC
    I... quite literally cannot answer any questions about the map, so posting and actually reacting to people is quite awkward right now. I got information about where Varin got the map, but so far nothing about the actual contents.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2021-08-07 at 05:03 PM.