As the web shrouded shore slips past an order goes out to the sail master and a flurry of signal flags ae exchanged between the Nixie and the Wyvren as the sails loosed and the Nixie slowly settles on the sea a few hundred feet off the rocky coast. Bellin, the lanky elf in charge of the sails waves at the shore, a shouted "I can see a path up from the cliff face, it would be a climb but there is a collapse you could scramble up."

Back on the deck Liza Highstar the deck chief, with tatoos covering her lean arms and neck shouts to the deck crew as they lower the small rowing boat into the water with a few handy pulls on the ropes where it bobs alongside. 300ft away you can see the rocky collapse in the cliff side that Bellin pointed out. A collapse of sorts has left a small rocky beach and a steep rocky scree slope that you could creep up and reach the tropical jungle that runs right up the cliff face, tropical plants, orchids and vines dangling down from the lip of the cliffs. Smothering it all however like a low hanging fog is thick strands of webbing draped like curtains between every available branch and tree. From here you cannot see much moving although you can be sure that there must be many spiders in there.

Aboard the deck Lt. Hayley looks at Lara, "Well Captain, we can wait here, Cooper and Kraask can row you in" she offers pointing at two brooding green skinned half orcs with long muscular arms. The two half orcs grumble something under their breath and slide down the rope ladder into the boat. Urol looks at Lara with a grin, "Ohh, ohh, my word this is highly exciting. Who knows what you might find. If you see this sign..." and as he waves his finger in the air a glowing spiderlike symbol appears, "It is the ancient Olman symbol of Catazotz, the Spider God. But have a care, he was a dark and evil god." Offering some feather quills and some fine vellum paper he looks to Kona and the wise seeming Aramus, "Please, I would appreciate any sketches you could make."

Who wants to go ashore into the Spider Forest?