The row boat splashes back to the ship, the two half orcs both shaking their heads and staring Arthur trees shrouded in thick webbing.

As Kona scales the scree easily he reaches the top and gets a good look at the jungle. The plants were as lush and thick as expected but with the heavy blanket of webs that hang from trees or coat the canopy it’s very quiet, the normal sounds of birds or small monkeys seemingly absent

Dropping a rope ladder down the rest of the shore party is able to clamber up easily enough and join the kenku on the narrow strip of land at the cliff top before the thick large trunked trees begin. As eyes look around nervously nothing bigger than small (well up to hand sized) spiders are visible. With no obvious direction you could choose to plunge straight into the jungle or walk parallel to the cliff tops to the east or west for a while to look for a gap or anything interesting

As you consider the heat hammers down at you all, close, humid and hot. With the sun still to rise you know it will only be hotter later