With regard to all of this question of FOMO/supply etc, my ideal solution (which I sadly doubt GW would ever do) would be to allow people to order individual sprues from the webstore. As far as I can see, a significant bottleneck for GW isn’t model production (which they do in house and have complete control over), but all the other stuff: boxes for product, rules inserts etc. Those are all produced elsewhere and shipped to GW. They can’t produce another run of Cursed City without having to also produce all the cards and other accessories (and in that case, the board tiles, which may well be the problem). But they have customers who want specific sprues. So why not allow people to order them individually a few weeks later, likely at a higher price than if dividing the full box, and put them in a generic box? That way, GW can simply run off a few sprues when they are ordered at a much lower opportunity cost than if they also had to assemble the box sets.

As I say, never going to happen. Though who knows, maybe the new webstore coming this year will do it! (It won’t).