Wasteland Settlement

As the knights get the people moving, Frigate will approach Lady Skuld. "Fer what purpose did ye attack yon town? Where be they goin'?" He isn't sure there's any reason he can let this stand- it looks like they're a threat to the communities, and he was told to disperse them if they were. He's also leaning the volleygun against his shoulder, where it looks like it's harmlessly pointing at the sky but he could easily bring it down to fire it if he needed to.

Lady Aethelflaed Camp

The good news for Green is the carpark has actually been paved, the space within the flintstone walls covered in old tarmac. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the best of repair even before the first Flash and nobody's been looking after it since. Though at least without vehicles using it, new damage hasn't really occurred. There's burns and scorch marks under the fire pit, and potholes here and there, plus puddles.

"We will keep that in mind should we ever go to the seaside. I'm going to propose we head to the campsite in the morning. We've missed five years of education and have no money with which to do... anything, really. There's too many of us to lodge with the Chimera until we're settled, and we can't force that upon them anyway. Given the choice between a refugee camp and a homeless shelter, I prefer the sound of the camp. We will, of course, vote." There's nods scattered around as the girls think about the future with hope. It's been a while for some of them since they've been able to do that.

This is interrupted, however, when a bloodcurdling shriek is heard. It's not close, maybe five minutes away, so most of the girls are fortunately unaffected by the magical paralysis. However, Hermione looks up and seems worried. "That came from Simone's watch point. We should get our sentries in closer, if that was the same thing that bit me it could have just kissed her. And she wasn't here to hear what the Chimera had to say about the heads." Meaning she doesn't know about the infectious curse and the need to get back to sunlight.
"Sarah, Heighleigh with a G, Athena, Susan and Dani, grab your gear and get out there. Hayley with a Y, go get Fred. I'm calling our pickets in, we need to stick around this light to stay safe from those things." The named girls all start to grab their gear, Hayley with a Y being the girl that Chimera winked at. It'd be faster to send Waheeda's crew out there, since they're mostly still in their exploration gear, but they've also started settling down for the night. The Head Girl selected the next girls on gate duty keeping an eye on the roads, the girl who was keeping an eye on the fire before Freya was awoken and reassigned, and the fastest runner in the group.