[Arcane Threads]

Khannie expression falls at that reply. "Oh... I'm sorry about your friend."

Shes so used to Inari's being there to help with tragic happenings that she just... kind of forgets that really isn't an option in most places.

In most places dead means dead.

You can't turn a tree that's been burned to ashes back into a tree.

And you can't unsquash an adventurer, either.

Khannie gives her dad a hug, just in case.

"Yeah, I like this one,"
she eventually concludes regarding the shirt. "These ones look nice, too."

In the end she picks out several single-color shirts in various hues along with a few shirts with random slogans on them. None of the slogans make any sense and Khannie is pretty sure a computer must have made them up. She thinks they're funny. Next up come a few pairs of pants and some skirts Khannie thinks are cute.

And a hoodie!

Just not a kangaskhan hoodie.

Now they just need to get a swim suit. Khannie wants to go to one of the city pools some time!

I don't want to be a pony, though. Or a pokemon. Or anything else other than a human girl. I JUST want to be a human girl living with her real family. That's all I've ever wanted.

She definitely doesn't want a crocodile tail.