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Thread: The Treasure Map (IC)

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    Titan in the Playground
    Ridai's Avatar

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    Sep 2008
    Germany (GMT +1)

    Default Re: The Treasure Map (IC)

    "My map. Hard way." Varin steps forward with sudden swiftness, putting himself between the half-orcs and Corym, bringing down his guisarme on one of the thugs while keeping more at bay. They need the map and he has no illusions about what the thugs would do to them. The usual nerves just the moment before violence begins are felt less so than usual. A phenomenon he has learned to attribute to Iradak.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move Action Move to cover his allies with his reach (at the very least Corym), while having one half-orc at 10ft distance. Having a thug at less distance is not acceptable.

    Standard Action Attack one of the thugs in reach
    (1d20+10)[18], (2d4+8)[13] damage. Since the attack will always do at least 10 damage on hit, it will trigger Knock-Down, giving Varin a free trip attempt against the half-orc (does not provoke an AoO due to Improved Trip). Because the AoO is triggered by the attempt to move out of , a tripped enemy
    Trip strength check (1d20+8)[16] vs the target's Strength or Dexterity check (whichever has the higher modifier).
    In case Varin loses and the half-orc trips back: (1d20+8)[28]. If Varin also loses that check, he drops his guisarme instead of letting himself be tripped.

    If Varin manages to trip the half-orc, he gets a free attack against the half-orc due to Improved Trip.
    (1d20+10)[15], (2d4+8)[15] damage.

    Out of turn Varin will make AoOs against any enemy trying to move through/out of his reach (Varin also threatens within 5ft with his spiked gauntlet). He can make up to 4 AoOs per round. On a hit with his guisarme, he will always do at least 10 damage and thus trigger Knock-Down for a trip attempt. See above for the decision tree on those.

    OOC: In hindsight, I am not sure why I decided to go for a reach trip character to protect the party in a game without tactical positioning. I guess I can at least make it harder for enemies to approach Varin and his map?
    Last edited by Ridai; 2021-08-16 at 10:24 AM.