Quote Originally Posted by Willie the Duck View Post
I don't begrudge the former. Constant relationship churn becomes unrealistic at some point or you have to make all your characters slowly become awful or you end up with Moonlighting or Niles&Daphne after they finally get together on Frasier and become exceedingly boring together. With the later, it's frustrating because the cast hasn't actually gotten small. There's Melon and Lemon and Momo and the Nonprofit crew and the Trio and some still-underdeveloped Coffee of Doom or Bakery of Whateveritwascalled employees who may well be in school to do something else or have family drama or all the other things that happened with the original crew.
How many of those actually have development potential though? Melon and Lemon are joke characters through and through who would be difficult to do a serious storyline with, much like how Emily's storylines fell flat. The nonprofit crew don't have much going for them outside of Roko, who already does have a story going on (the most interesting at the moment I might add). Beeps is a single note ditz who is hard to write into a more fleshed out character, and Arthur (is that his name? I forget) is a dude who is already together enough to make drama difficult. Momo is a very well established character, but she spends most of her time with characters who have largely been written out so it's hard to wrangle storylines for her.

There isn't much to say about the rest of the Coffee of Doom crew. Cosette got written out ages ago because she's too stable for wacky antics. Emily is one-note wacky as stated above and has been replaced by Melon. You could do a story about Penelope adapting to managing CoD, but that means going back to characters Jeph doesn't want to touch. Besides, the window for that has passed I feel. There really aren't any other members of Secret Bakery staff, unless we want to see more of Renee and Dan.

The cast are so inter-connected that it's difficult to bring back one person without bringing the entire herd with them. I think that's why we moved over to the Secret Bakery gang in the first place - to make it easier to write out the CoD staff.