Quote Originally Posted by fizzmaister;25165337
Who do you want to be the fan favorite pilot? Usso, Amuro, Kouji, Sayaka, The Getter Team, Bright? Mark your vote in bold

Lastly. I will be streaming episode 3 on my Twitch channel this Thursday (August 19) at 9PM PDT. That's midnight August 20th EDT. Adjust time zones locally as needed. I have a guest host scheduled, and a crazy idea on top of the other things I've already mentioned it. I've spoiled it to a few people on Discord, but if you love Super Robot Wars, you should stop by, I aim to impress.
Huh. This is.. a way more ambitious project than I thought, and I already thought you were nuts for wanting to do these older games. Good luck, and I'll be watching when I can!

Also, Getter Team. Specifically, Getter 3 when possible. Based on your video commentary I don't think you'll have a problem with that

(Secondary - Bright. I have a habit of trying to make the battleship/support ship units overpowered.)