FMP - Sanctuary

"Well sure, we can do that. I don't think this was the sort of beach vacation either of us were envisioning a few years ago." he chuckles and pokes at Caroline with a couple of his noses. He holds his breath when he does so. He's fairly sure the disintegration doesn't really happen unless he wants it to but he's just being safe.


"Oh, you know. The Fair Folk. The fae. The faeries. Those sorts of things? Supposedly one of 'em used to live in Serrisil. Who knows? My friend Rhea said she'd spoken to some of the lesser ones from time to time. But I never really met any in person aside from the deer-folk. And even they're not full blood fae anyway." Rhea is also not the most impressive representative of those touched by the Feywild. She's his best friend! But she isn't terribly bright.