Taking in the scene before her, Eilyra looks it over. Dust, magical robes, tracks, and a bending tunnel... Interesting. This place hasn't been outside of time forever. If this is a trap, I think I'll be glad I was persuasive enough to convince my companions to get the tuning forks. Now, those robes are the right colors for Tharizdun, and the enchantments appear to be correct, and may be worth selling. The tracks, however... ROUS seems possible? Or something that moves like a ROUS.

However, as she thinks, Ash and Taric head into the room ahead of her, and she follows. *The robes appear to be consistent with known behaviours of the cult of Tharizdun. The purple ones, specifically, may be what was once known as the "Purple robes of Tharizdun", which were notable in that they protected the wearer from cold within the temples of that god. The tracks seem to be of large rodents, which is not ideal. And the dust... this is a foyer... perhaps this is from other places? Or as Taric suggested, the entire facility was moved, which is certainly possible. If their gate needed to be in a specific spot, building elsewhere, and moving might well have been their plan. I'd suggest we collect the robes, as they may have some resale value.*