Nice great discussions people.

Also, I think I need to start a tag of countdown to the First Appearance of the Borg. Since they make an appearance later this season. And the Borg have always given me nightmares and...interesting...nightmares...
(Has anyone else had a weird dream/nightmare about being the Borg King type person with even a Borg style Throne Box to sit in and being in a Pyramid style Borg ship? Or has that been just me?)

Season 2 Episode 2
Where Silence Has Lease
Stardate: 42193.6

So the Episode starts with Us Viewers getting a look at what Klingon ideas about an exercise program is/are. A series of fights with some creatures. Which frankly just looks cool. (I always love Klingon Stuff). Picard is worried about Riker and Worf, who are employing the program. Worf goes a little wild, and starts being aggressive towards Riker.

The crew are visiting a place called Morgana Something, when they encounter a patch of empty space? Black Space? A space cloud? in space. After finding it something curious, naturally Picard must pay it a visit. Which they then do.

They send in a probe, and Worf mentions a Klingon Legend about a cloud/creature that devours Starships. Interesting. They send another probe, and then end up in the black could thing.

Dr. P comes on the bridge and has a moment with Data (She calls him "It" and suggests he doesn't know how to work his console), when Picard orders maxifciation be done (Making things further away go bigger and look closer). There seems to be nothing to see.

Dr. P talks to Data, but brings up that he is a machine, and then alive, and that she has to accept that. Data gives a smug little smile. The crew have some events happen.

Then they encounter a Romulan Warbird and have a brief fight. Then another galaxy class ship appears. Riker and Worf go over to explore and wee what happened. Naturally, it is a ghost ship.

Oh, and Miles O'Brien is manning the Transporter Station, (His Rank Badge or Rank is: Lt.)

Worf and Riker explore the ship, and then there are weird structural parts. The weirdness makes Worf be a little bit nutty or slightly insane. He has a moment of losing control because of the whole bridge(s) thing. then the ship disappears and the two are beamed back.

Some other events happen, and then Troi is detecting an "intelligence" or something. Apparently the crew are being experimented upon. So Picard decides to do nothing. Then something appears.

It is a bizarre entity that calls itself "Nagilum", whatever that is. It wants to learn about people and Sex (Because apparently, every single entity that doesn't understand human type creatures want to learn about Sex)

The Naggy (Nagilum) decides to kill the Redshirt (Meaning I need a tracker for this) and is curious. Then Naggy decides to test out dying on humans/humanoids some more. The crew are stunned over this.

Picard is having none of this and decides to blow up the ship. It is the option that he fills the best to do. So, Picard turns on the Self-Destruct function. Naturally, Naggy doesn't like this and creates some images of Troi and Data to get him to stop.

Picard sees through the trick, so Naggy ends up having to abandon things. The ship ends up back in normal space, and the self-destruct is halted. Then after a brief conversation, Naggy leaves. The crew go on there way.

2 - Poor episode: Not too bad but has one or two week areas (Poor plot, weak character use, bad effects)

{Episode Commentary}
To be honest, this episode just doesn't come across all that much like in terms of being interesting. Feels like a standard God-Like Entity messes with the Crew Episode. It feels a little bit just slow and uninteresting. A weird entity interacts with the crew. They wander around in a space cloud of sorts, have a few encounters, and then later, they encounter Naggy, who looks terrible. Despite the idea of exploring a perhaps different perspective, the episode just seems to slog on.

I liked the parts about learning about Klingon things, like Worf's program, and the legend. Those parts were pretty nice. And the other parts with Worf on the fictional Ship were nice too.

So? Do fellow playgrounders agree? Disagree? Comments of your own? Get some discussing going on

Gene Roddenberry ruins Star Trek: 1 ()
Redshirts Actually wearing a Redshirt Deaths: 1
Hidden Gems: 3
Funny Guest Star Appearances: 2 (marc alaimo plays a romylan here)
Rank of Miles: Ensign
Prime Directives: 2
Patrick Stewart Speech: 3 (Did I miss an earlier one? I don't think so)
Riker "Patrick Stewart Speech": 1
Riker Romances Something/Someone: 1
Pithy Aesops: 1
Klingon Proverbs/Beliefs/Sentiments: 1) Drink not with thine enemy; A) Several in the Episode, "Heart of Glory";
Worfed (Worf loses to establish danger): 2
Holodeck Mishaps/Breakings/Issues: 1
Actually Alien Aliens: 1
Lore's Appearances: 1
*Data's Emotions: 2
*Troi Troubles: 1
*Money Matters: 1
Polarize the Phase Inverters: 1
1) Dr. P is mean to Data: 2
2)Dr. P verbally belittles Data or treats him with contempt: 2
3) Dr. P acts and treats Data like some fancy shmancy tool device that needs to be put into its proper place.: 1.5
4) Dr. P acts racist towards Data:
5) Dr. P does what she does to Data and NO ONE calls her out on her disrespectful behavior towards an officer of Starfleet that has been commissioned: