Quote Originally Posted by u-b View Post
I think we might have to track them separately for each rifle. So you'll have specify the quantity of rounds tuned for Richard's rifle and a separate quantity of rounds tuned for Sean's rifle. That is, unless our rifles are identical, which I somehow doubt (the DM might clarify). Expecting just a +1 to acc, like factory-made match rounds, if used in any other rifle. I haven't yet checked the math, so you might want to wait for the DM to approve before designating the numbers.
Ah right yeah, good point. I guess alternating each batch makes sense (starting with Sean as he's got the proper sharpshooter setup), so 60 for Sean and 30 for Richard (could say 50/40 too, if rather than continuing to alternate after the failed batch Richard made the next one his too, but I think getting Sean a big supply going forward is better).