Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
Yeah I...kinda hated Sekiro and how it played, sadly. I've always preferred dodging to blocking in games, and Sekiro PUNISHES dodging, meaning it felt like every fight devolved into just...standing there and waiting for an opponent to throw an attack, then countering. Rinse and repeat.

Sekiro felt to me sort of like the Batman Arkham games, or Sleeping Dogs, something like that but with the challenge cranked to 11...and kinda the whole point of those games is that they're flashy and fun, not super difficult. Sekiro didn't feel fun to me.

It didn't help that I really loved how the movement felt in that game. Like just maneuvering around was an absolute joy. So the combat often devolving into just a flat-footed slugfest most of the time was doubly unsatisfying.

Mind you, I understand this is an unpopular opinion, so this is firmly a "me" problem, but I just couldn't get past that aspect of the game.
Sekiro is the only soulslike that I ever decided to install a mod to beat. and I play like four others when I feel like it. Nioh 2, Dark souls 1 and 3 and Code Vein those all feel fair at least. Sekiro? sure Genichiro Ashina was the toughest, hardest most exhilarating fight of my life but that was only the half-way boss and I just felt tired and spent after that, so I just cheesed my way through the rest of it. I think that speaks for itself how unnecessarily hard Sekiro is.