Season 2 Episode 4
The Outrageous Okona
Stardate: 42402.7

the crew are heading to a system when they have to go rescue a ship owned by Okona. Okona is a charmer, he tells jokes to Data, who doesn't get them. so data goes to guinan to learn about humor.

Okona charms a few female crewmembers then the leaders of the two planets show up and complain. to sum up, Okona helped the son and daughter of the two leaders have a relationship. that all ends up well.

the other part is data learning about humor and bad jokes.

3 - Average episode: OK to watch, but nothing amazing. This should be the default score.

{Episode Commentary}
so the comic who appears is joe priscopo and Okona is played by the runner up for Riker. the writers tried to make an expy of Han Solo as Okona but I have doubts about how that was what they were going for. Okona doesn't seem to have really much of anything like Han and most of the stuff ascribed to Okona is informed and not really true.

this is a break of what the writers thought was going across and what the audience was getting. the rest of the plot is basically a smash up of romeo and juliet. i would have gone with a lower score but the stuff with data elevates the episode for a score of 2 to a 3.

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Gene Roddenberry ruins Star Trek: 1 ()
Redshirts Actually wearing a Redshirt Deaths: 1
Hidden Gems: 3
Funny Guest Star Appearances: 2 (marc alaimo plays a romylan here)
Rank of Miles: Ensign
Prime Directives: 2
Patrick Stewart Speech: 3 (Did I miss an earlier one? I don't think so)
Riker "Patrick Stewart Speech": 1
Riker Romances Something/Someone: 1
Pithy Aesops: 1
Klingon Proverbs/Beliefs/Sentiments: 1) Drink not with thine enemy; A) Several in the Episode, "Heart of Glory";
Worfed (Worf loses to establish danger): 2
Holodeck Mishaps/Breakings/Issues: 1
Actually Alien Aliens: 1
Lore's Appearances: 1
*Data's Emotions: 2
*Troi Troubles: 1
*Money Matters: 1
Polarize the Phase Inverters: 1
1) Dr. P is mean to Data: 2
2)Dr. P verbally belittles Data or treats him with contempt: 2
3) Dr. P acts and treats Data like some fancy shmancy tool device that needs to be put into its proper place.: 1.5
4) Dr. P acts racist towards Data:
5) Dr. P does what she does to Data and NO ONE calls her out on her disrespectful behavior towards an officer of Starfleet that has been commissioned: