Shiver is faintly aware of Sėle answering the lone goblin, who seems to become positively giddy. But such things are far from her mind right now, as she storms into battle before the overconfident horde can act. The mighty shout takes them aback. Sėle's melodious voice chants a spell, creating a shimmer on the muddy ground below some of the creatures, causing them to slip. The very next moment, Shiver is amidst the goblins, forward foot stopping her motion dead, transferring all her speed and weight into her arms, and with a mighty swing, the giantess carves through the ranks in front of her. Five goblins have their bodies torn apart, remains sent scattered to the floor in a short-lived wave.

Their numbers suddenly halved, the goblins begin to realize they made a terrible mistake, looking in terror towards Shiver and her blood-and-gore-dripping giant blade, while Sėle is awestruck as he positions himself to make the feeble goblin attempts to surround the mighty warrior fruitless. Three of the remaining six goblins desperately try to crawl away, but keep slipping on the magically slickened mud, making a mess of themselves. The remaining three are the outliers, who are still processing, feebly throwing their crude javelins at the giantess, but all of them fail to hit her or penetrate her skin even a little bit. They are too dumbstruck to also run away at this moment.

The gods may not have given her back her giantess form, but somewhere, Hiatea is smiling down at the impressive display.

(Shiver's turn. Sėle casts grease and literally all four targeted goblins failed their saves, falling prone. One of them was at the front and between that and being caught flatfooted from having lost initiative, it was enough to just confirm Shiver's crit, once again landing on the exact number needed. This is, once again, without me fudging any numbers, so I am honestly pretty happy with Sėle as Shiver's support. The confirmed crit dealt enough damage to kill five goblins at once, which were all that could reasonably be in Shiver's melee range. And I greatly enjoyed said crit and decisive action, especially in this very moment.)

(Three goblins are within 5-10ft of her, prone on the floor due to the grease spell. The other three are within a move action of Shiver, two on one side, one on the opposite.)