Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

There's a split second, as Calen stands on the pad and sees the light building around him, and feels the prickling running over his skin, where he suddenly has the feeling that something is very, very wrong.

Then his every nerve is on fire, and his jaw is locked around a guttural cry of pain as his body seizes up uncontrollably, but he doesn't notice, because he's gone, his senses overwhelmed by the visions, things that would boggle his mind had he the faculties to analyze them--the hills outside of town, that shimmering orb, the towers, creatures like something out of a nightmare....


He blacks out.

He hasn't even properly come to when he's unceremoniously dumped back onto his feet and shoved toward the door. Half-conscious, his body responding on its own, he somehow manages to stumble along after the others. As soon as the fresh evening air hits him, his legs give out, and he tumbles to the ground, curling up in a ball and clutching at his head. "Oooooooowwwwwwww..."

He doesn't appear to notice Yusha calling on Abadar's strange "blessing," remaining motionless as part of the grey mass flows over him. A deep part of his mind is aware of some of the pain receding, the burning of his skin soothed by what feels like a cool bath. It's enough to bring him back to himself as the last of the fluid evaporates.

Slowly, gingerly, Calen sits up, gritting his teeth. His head still pounds. "Ow, ow, ow..." He hunches with it between his knees, kneading his temples. "What...what happened?"