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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Ironsmith's Avatar

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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: GLoG 93: Something something something babies

    [Watching Daycare]


    Sekhmet was being just like the mother Braon never had.

    Sort of.

    She did have a mother. She just wasn't much of one.

    Because, you know, fiendling.


    Having someone actually care what Braon was going through was a refreshing change of pace.

    It'd make Sekhmet so much easier to manipulate. If Braon knew pity was going to get her so much traction with her, she would have opened with that. Now, even if Sekhmet didn't trust her, she was still going to be quite vulnerable.

    All too easy, really.


    But that can wait a moment. Braon hasn't been hugged in years. She's not going to let that go right away.

    Braon reaches around with both her arms and vines and hugs Sekhmet back, her hands balling into fists. It won't be very comfortable for Sekhmet, but it should still serve as a sign that she's doing something right.
    Last edited by Ironsmith; 2021-09-05 at 08:15 AM.