Shiver cleaves a curved line through the muddy, slickened ground and cuts the cries short with one stroke. Off with their heads. Finally, this seems to be enough to finally send the remaining goblins into a screaming panic, dropping their held weapons and running away out the open town gate. For the first time, the town of Nightstone is silent, except for the occasional breeze.

Heading over to Sėle, Shiver sees the goblin woman cackle gleefully at the misfortune of the other goblins. Having stomped her share of the creatures as a giant, most of the time, scattered survivors either fled in panic, tried to beg for their lives, or acted like rabid cornered animals. This one seems to be defective in regards to how she does not seem to care at all about the rest of her tribe, and the peculiar fact that this one looks like a freak of nature in the rare positive way. The goblin woman when examined more closely more resembles a halfling with red eyes and floppy ears (well, the teeth are still looking rather pointy), rather than the ugly, beady-eyed creatures lying dead in the mud.

"Best day theez eez!" the goblin shouts, tiny fists raised high and laughing. Sėle, looking to Shiver, clearly cannot claim to understand what is going on right now, but he seems to get the gist of it and, well, might as well enjoy it for now, chuckling.

"Amazing work. To be honest, that was more one-sided than I expected, but I am glad I was proven wrong." Once again, Sėle can't hide just being impressed with the giantess.

"Yes-yes! You deedz heear them call you, yes?" the goblin grins up to Shiver who is towering over her, even without her giant size. "Murder Mare!" making it sound like a genuinely scary and ominous title despite the choice of words. She laughs again (at the dead and fleeing goblins, not Shiver).

"I guess some things get lost in translation, but it is the thought that counts?" Clearly not the only one new to this particular cultural exchange, but Sėle seems bemused by the general situation.

As the adrenaline subsides in Shiver, a new clarity comes to her for a moment, feeling like she has cast off some of the tiredness and weakness that have been hounding her. The glorious feel of battle, even if she just stomped a few goblins, is making forgotten things stir. It is like there is a voice, just beyond the edge of hearing. Memories about this place and why she came here trying to emerge once more, but not managing it yet, the haze in her head and body still too suffocating. But there is a rush. And with it, new strength. Peculiarly, in this moment, she feels Sėle's presence, and this rush extending to him as well, feeling a connection of sorts, much to his surprise as well.

"What just-" he wonders as the rush disappears as soon as it came. He looks confused for a moment, then looks at his hand, producing a momentary glow. "The wild magic is stirring. Hm." He looks back to Shiver and she could swear she sees a momentary blush when he does so. Come to think of it, he seems a little more attractive as well.

Looking back and forth between them, the goblin woman chimes in. "No-no! Murder Mare took gobber heads already! Preetty man's Teeka's!" And she wraps her arms around Sėle's thigh for further emphasis, defiantly looking up at Shiver.