[Watching Daycare]

Naturally, an enchanted tree is not much of a match for hellfire, except maybe in the conflagratory sense. What might have been a formidable physical challenge for anyone else is reduced to ashes in under thirty seconds.

But, as a distraction, it was sufficient.

Braon has already regrown enough of her vines to re-bind her legs and rise to her feet. She won't be able to run fast, but she will be running. And as she runs, she sets off another series of enchantments; every few meters, whatever sod was under her feet would be imbued with life; not much, but enough to cause it to clump up and pull itself free of the dirt. So far, she's traveled far enough for three of these creatures to be created; two are heading toward Sekhmet as further distractions, and the third was moving somewhere else Braon knew would be more important to Sekhmet than chasing down the fiendling:

The daycare.