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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The LA Assignment Thread XI: Better LA'd Than Never

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurbane View Post
    [edit] Issue for Warlocks: their SLAs are called out as having somatic components, in the section about armor and ASF. It could be viewed as largely fluff text, but may still be an issue for Vestigial Twin. Same with DFAs. Factotums don't have this wording, AFAIK. [/edit]

    [edit2] Oops, this was already addressed, the somatic restriction in VT is specified for spells only [/edit 2]
    I'd argue that the only reason they don't restrict SLAs' somatic components is because SLAs don't normally have components to restrict. That the RAI is that since warlocks get the "need to make somatic components, like a spellcaster" rule pasted on top of the normal SLA mechanics, they should be subject to any restrictions that apply to that rule.

    The twin is described as "a vestigial head and possibly one or two atrophied arms or legs", but there's no mechanical difference between having arms and not having them. Normally even a weak arm would have mechanics for holding an item for you, or reloading crossbows, so the atrophy here must be pretty extreme, enough to make it completely nonfunctional as a limb.
    I'd say that indicates that the twin is never capable of the arm waving and finger waggling required to perform a somatic component. Further, if the twin was capable of performing warlock somatic components, why wouldn't they be capable of cleric ones which are even simpler?
    Last edited by Prime32; 2021-09-13 at 02:15 PM.