[Drinks With Fiendling]

Braon waves her hand dismissively. "Waste of time. I've met this guy a hundred times before, though he had a different name each time. Overbearing, proud, likes to pretend he's a much better person than he is."

Kyrie scowls. "We've never been together outside this bar. I'm j-"

"'I'm just doing my job'." Braon groans hoarsely, imitating Kyrie's own gravelly voice. "'Which I do because I'm crushing so hard on the bartender it's a wonder the floor doesn't give out on me, but I make excuses and say it's to feed my nieces and nephew that I talk about all the time to anyone who'll listen and pretty much anyone who won't, so I can give the impression of being a loving family man even though I'm never really there for them'."

Kyrie scowls and looks away, but says nothing.

Braon smirks and nods her head toward the embarrassed strigoi. "Sounds just like him, doesn't it?"