Ivo is... less than impressed with the "Primarch" and his little speech. The past few months with a renegade spirit inside his head with at least as much control over his body as he has shown him thoroughly just how close the so-called "stability" of the Terran Axis had been to folding under its own weight, and he signed on to Redemption primarily in an attempt to see if these insane people and their cliché ideals could actually create something from the intergalactic dumpster fire that was already on the horizon. It's a task challenging enough to be worth his time, even if he would only play a relatively small part in the whole.

The fact that Starhammer decided to simply kick over the entire tottering structure himself strikes him as massively short-sighted. Even if the core is all bad, it's easier to destroy than it is to build; salvaging what they could from the Axis before it all falls apart seems like the better play to him, but that was off the table in one bombastic speech.

One side of Savo's mouth opens, and a decidedly more feminine voice than his usual timbre states quietly with an ancient Slavic accent: "My dear Ivo, when the foundation is rotten, it is better to burn down the house. The family will survive for you to build a new one."

The following argument was somewhat confusing to those around Ivo, since it consisted of two different voices issuing from the same mouth, sometimes attempting to interrupt each other. To anyone who had seen Ivo before, this was nothing new.


Ivo's left hand waved cheerily to the group assembled in the inner chambers, the left side of his mouth twitching upwards into a smile. Both wave and smile were quickly suppressed under a stony grimace. The Wonder Triplets, Ms. Business, the Renaissance Faire wannabe, the Axis Agent, Mr. Immortal... and him. This is going to be a long operation for Ivo, especially since the operation seems to be a flat-out ten-person, eight-body invasion team. (The sharing bodies thing still made Ivo's head hurt, mostly due to the person sharing his mind.)

Ivo's severe look lessens the barest fraction as Caleb asks a somewhat sensible question, only to harden immediately the moment Nadia opens her mouth. The minute she finishes speaking, he raises his right hand. His left hand tries to slap it down, but he ignores that. "The first and only time I entered the Netherrealm, I returned with an un-- a unique houseguest inside my own head," he deadpans, his face and arms twitching slightly as he fights to keep Domania from exerting control. "Not tremendously keen on going back so soon."