Zee, being the eloquent person that she is, waves goodbye to the maybe guy who poisoned the crew of the whole ship.

Later guy!

That done, she's going to be peering at the wreckage of shattered Hammer of Commerce because she has questions.

It was venting all its atmosphere, right?

But that might not necessarily be enough since tyranids are kind of cheaty. She isn't totally sure HOW cheaty they are but she already knows that they're cheaty enough for it to be concerning. Have any of the creatures survived the annihilation of the ship? Because if so then her work isn't done yet. After that blast the remains of the ship probably aren't in a stable orbit and if they crash into the planet then the problem with cults starts all over again.

She would prefer to prevent that from happening if she can.

If she does need to intervene she'll probably wait until they get back to the surface. Honestly she would rather not have to explain the whole seraphim thing and the risk of being seen while people are in orbit is too great.

Zee would really prefer to avoid eating anyone on accident.