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Thread: The Sisters' Chronicles

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Montevarchi, Italy

    Default Re: The Sisters' Chronicles

    As they entered, the hat-tricker looked up at them scared. The tent contained equipment for circus tricks- it was modest, had some boxes and fake weaponry in addition to juggling balls and a table prepped up for make up. The woman they had seen earlier, who seemed to be younger then the sisters though it was hard to tell due to the extravagant make-up, chuckled a bit.

    "Next time transmute silver, brother. Maybe then you won't be chased"
    "I did NOTHING and you know it!"

    The sister just laughed, the guy having backed off to the flimsy wall of the tent opposite from them. In addition to the two of them there was a tall, bulky dragonborn, a dwarf dressed with blue-and-white large pants and a red nose and lastly an older elf woman who studied them curiously. Well, not really old considering how long elves lived.
    "May we help you?" The last one asked as her gaze lingered on Boots' ironwood armor, while the dragonborn flanked her standing between the sisters and the fleeing fake wizard. It seemed like he was fairly protective of the people there.
    Last edited by Valmark; 2021-09-27 at 07:59 PM.