The elf chuckled at Boots' words, nodding at Alifa "Yes, faeries" she stated as she turned around to walk to a row of cabinets which apparently held their belongings "Dressed like that, you probably need it more then we do"

Meanwhile the young not-a-wizard was sitting at a table, the sister having brought him a cup of water. The dragonborn seemed to have relaxed, though he was still keeping his yellow eyes on them.

The dwarf looked confused.
"Aren't feys half-insects?" he asked, which got a laugh out of the elf "Some of them, yes. And pray you're never heard by the Entheys. With an armor like that they might not be faeries but they must be tied to the Feywild" she explained as she briefly rummaged with a furled scroll which she spread out on the table where the brother and sister were at.

The map depicted 'the Inner Lands' and showed a land that was seemed to be enclosed completely by mountains, except for the southern and northern borders which showed water- she pointed where 'the Kingdoms of Trevoria' were listed in the northeastern portion of the map.
"We're here" she tapped a city in the south of the Kingdoms, called Tavinsky. The land seemed to be mostly plains with a few rivers coming from the mountains and down in the left corner there was a big black spot called The Zone, which seemed to spread into all the various lands.

The elven woman spoke with a certain amount of respect- while the others looked mostly like they were looking at two random people, she seemed to have taken the sisters very seriously.
"And we may talk about joining us after the festival's over, unless you want to go improvise a show right now on stage? Ronald is... Not well" Ronald nodded along. The hat-tricker.