Mary smiled "Sure, give me a moment" she gestured for the stairs that led to an upper floor before taking their empty plates and glasses to bring them to the kitchen. She came out soon after, stopping by the bartender to tell her something- whatever it was, it made the woman cackle and shrug. Mary soon joined them to lead them upstairs.

The circus staff showed up at around that time, though they didn't seem to spot the sisters.

Following Mary, she led them to two rooms next to each other showing them a couple keys- they had gotten an inkling earlier too, but now they were fairly sure that this inn was pretty well off given how big it was. There were plenty of rooms and judging by the distance between doors the rooms were even decently big.
"As long as you don't break anything, the rooms are for you as you see fit- give the keys back at the counter tomorrow" she told them, handing each a key- her hand lingered on Boots' a fair bit more then when she gave one to Alifa.
"Each room has its own bathroom, though if you want to take a bath you'll have to go ask downstairs for the water"

Spoiler: Ooc
Although we'll just say that X person took a bath, because I doubt we need to RP changing floors to ask for water and whatever else filling a tub with hot water and soap entails.