[Searching for Truth]

"I did not know that actually. Comes with the healing I guess?" Ilpholin asks, stopping the bike entirely and swinging one leg over to hop off. "Sounds like a plan to me. Would be nice to come away with something positive to show VIGIL too. I've seen the way they've been looking at me lately," Ilpholin says, waiting for Anika to get off the bike as well before having it fold itself up into a small cube.

[Misty Velvet]

Raven's grin seems to grow as the guy steps forward, as if she were inviting him to take a swing. Looking forward to it, even. Then she could add all these shmucks to her little family of rotting minions.

That grin fades as Rose steps in. For a moment, the guy's grip tightens on his knife handle and it looks like it won't matter, but a second later he releases the tension there and slowly withdraws his hand, grunting dismissively at Rose as he walks past them all to the exit instead. He's got better things to do. Raven just watches, very still, much frown.

One of the mecha-zombies shoves the Deicide cd at the DJ and there's still a question of if the music will change or if the DJ needs to blow the speakers with some battle tunes and a ray gun. They spot the manager behind the bar though, making a motion. Of course the current owner didn't want a fight right now. Whomever she was paying protection money to hadn't saw fit to show up in the last five seconds to handle a zombie horde. So the DJ relents, putting on the metal band and blasting it throughout the club as most of the patrons either disperse or hit up the bar, grumbling.

Raven glowers, tail twitching in agitation as she steps up to Rose, the woman who believed herself queen and denied the Empress' fun. Rose seems to have grown a quick ego over the last two days. It's... understandable, being around such a brilliant and stunning star like Raven, but she still needed to be reminded of her place.

"Never upstage me again," Raven says, before physically brushing past her.