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Thread: Skyside 7: The Big Pizza in the Sky

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Skyside 7: The Big Pizza in the Sky


    "I can confirm that rogue traders gather some of the worst of what the imperium, and what's outside it, has to offer. But while they're motivated purely out of greed or depseration the ones that survive for more than a little while tend to also be some of the competent people humanity has to offer." At least compared to your average imperial citizen.

    "This combination makes them particularly dangerous with xeno materials, as we've already seen with this ship." She gestures out the window.

    "So we should take care of as much as we can rather than to leave a warning. As I said, if we aim our trejectory away from the planet rather than towards it we'll send it hurling into outer space. Even if they somehow end up caught in another planets gravitial pull and survive landing on it the chances of it also being able to support life is less than miniscule. They would be as good as dead no matter how resilient they are."

    [Searching for Truth]

    "Oh, you were priest material? Not surprised, you got their dedication nailed down for sure. I could totally see you smiting and healing people. Admit that you'd be great at that too." Anika argues but pauses as she notices that the door is shut.

    Huh, what kind of crazy shopkeeper would leave their door locked? Weren't they supposed to be welcoming to customers?

    But everything in this town was crazy so why not the shopkeepers too?

    Her theory seems to be confirmed as they enter. This place really did look like a goblin's workshop. A crazy goblin.

    Still, she smiles and waves at the shopkeeper before turning to Ilpholin. "So... what are we looking for in here exactly? It's... not... it kinda looks like my room." Which was a bit of a mess, but not nearly as much as this was.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2021-10-01 at 11:58 AM.