Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
The Trust-Worthy Hotel

Abbi smiles in relief at that. "Right you are, mi- Hana. Abbi apologises, Abbi has been taught what the managers expect from their maids." Politeness, servility and obedience, mostly. She limps over to the lift, pressing the button to open the doors and gesturing for Hana to go in first, before standing by the buttons and pressing the button marking the fourth floor. The lift is sluggish and groans as it starts upwards, though Abbi isn't worried. When they reach the top floor, Abbi leaves first- she knows the way, after all- and heads to one of only five visible doors on this corridor. Another maid, an umber-skinned hobgoblin wearing the same uniform as Abbi, limps past in the other direction, pushing a cleaning trolley. Both the hobgoblin and Abbi favour the same leg, and limp in the same way. They nod at each other, but don't say anything.

Abbi gestures at the door and curtsies again. "Here we are mil-Hana. This is your suite for the next week." Hana should have the key, since it was handed to her. On the other side is a very large room, with three doors leading away from it. This room is one for hosting groups; there's a collection of comfortable-looking chairs and a large table. It looks more like an opulent lounge than a hotel room. It's much fancier than the rest of the hotel, at least so far as Hana's seen so far. Abbi will open another door, revealing a large bathroom with a very large bath, and a seperate cubicle for the toilet and sink. There's also a massage table in there, with another door connecting it to the bedroom, which has a massive television on the wall opposite a four-poster bed and a walk-in wardrobe. The last room is the smallest, connected to the lounge and also Hana's bedroom; this one Abbi won't show unless asked, a tiny closet with a narrow bunk and a chest of drawers in, where Abbi is going to stay whenever Hana doesn't want her nearby. "Does mi-Hana wish for a bath, a massage? Should Abbi call room service, organise a meal delivery? It's all covered, mi-Hana has paid for everything."
[Trust-Worthy Hotel]

The second they're in the room, Hana sets down her boxes and lets out an exhausted sigh. "Thank you, Abbi, a meal would be nice. And... actually, that massage sounds good, too, but before we begin with that..." She fiddles with one of the boxes and produces a series of canisters, handing four of them to Abbi. "Please be a dear and set up these foggers for me. I mean no offense, but the rest of the hotel leads me to believe this room isn't especially clean, either."

If and when Abbi does that, she might notice that the gasses sprayed from the canisters feel warm on her skin; not quite chemical burns, but actively breaking down any dirt, grease, and other possible contaminants that happened to be on her, and producing an exothermic reaction in the process. By the time she's done, she'll probably feel cleaner than she ever has in her life, barring any accidents with giant vats of bleach.

They'll meet up again in the bathroom, where Hana is filling the bath with a red gel that smells strongly of strawberries and cream. She's peeled off her outer layer of clothing, and is now sitting on the edge of the bath with her legs dangling over the side, clad in her underwear and a too-large t-shirt. She's holding her jacket in her arms, about halfway through the process of folding it, but stopped in the middle for reasons unknown. She's breathing shakily, and if Abbi gets close enough to see it, has a fresh tear trailing down her cheek.

Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
[Misty Velvet]

"We would have literally owned the place if we killed the person who did and anyone who disputed our claim," Raven points out. That's Skyside 101 AND Evil Overlady 101.

Raven Ebondark does not actively remove Rose's hand at least, seemingly buying into Rose getting swept up in the moment. "Well, whatever. It'd probably be a pain to run two places at once. And this place is in dreadful need of redecorating." Which would take time and energy. Not Raven's time or energy, mind you, but the mecha-zombies probably wouldn't enjoy it! "And I suppose you have the hotel, so you wouldn't want to focus on that and this at the same time." So Raven couldn't have given it to Rose. Still, it could have been 'their' place together to listen to all the metal albums that they love. That's worth a little bit of sulk.
[Misty Velvet]

"I suppose that's..." Rose's face suddenly lights up. "Actually... maybe we still could. Own this place, I mean. We could talk to the owner and offer to buy it. You know I have enough for that." She smiles. "And wouldn't you know it, but the place comes fully staffed, including management, so we wouldn't have to waste any effort in actually running the place, either. And we already know it works as a business. We could just take the profits from this place and put them into something else." She smirks. "I mean, it's more 'evil chief executive' than 'evil overlady', but still plenty of evil potential. Besides, who would even try to stop it? As far as anyone else is concerned, it's a totally legitimate transfer of power." She giggles. "And we still have these killer speakers at our disposal for whatever we want, whenever we want."

And it'd be a terrific excuse to let Rose see Raven's finances. Although maybe slightly defeating the purpose, since Rose would be sponsoring her now even if KABAL wasn't.