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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Salvation of the Shattered Axis, Chapter One: Giants in a Galactic Conflagrat

    Caleb nodded as the others described the difficulties of fortifying a Netherrealm location, taking in the additional information, and then the further elaboration by the Nameless Light. A faint, wry grin flicked momentarily across his face. It was still weird, he had to acknowledge, to think about the Terran Axis not as some monolithic force with nigh-infinite power and resources, but as the broken and dying establishment it had been revealed to be. Oh, true, it had been fading for a long time, technologies stagnating, the marvels of the past falling into disrepair as the knowledge of how to maintain them was lost. But even so...compared to what he was used to, on their small home world, the Axis as a whole had always seemed indomitable. His brain didn't always remember they had limits.

    Of course, it didn't mean the mission was any less risky; a heavily fortified Axis outpost in the Netherrealm was just one of many potential threats for them to encounter. That it likely would not exist was no reason to get complacent.

    The triplets looked...a little uncomfortable when Domania took over Ivo's body to speak. Trinity had that ability; they occasionally let him take the "pilot's seat" in training, so he could show them how to execute some advanced maneuver, help their bodies familiarize themselves with the movements. Sometimes they let him speak through them. Almost always, when he took control it was with their express consent, or in situations where it was necessary for him to take immediate physical action to protect them, with no time for discussion. There had only been two occasions in the past where he had taken over to act unilaterally, both times with good reason, and he had apologized after regardless. They trusted him never to abuse that power, and probably to make better decisions than they would when he did use it.
    And even if they hadn't, the truth was that taking outright control was draining for him, and an order of magnitude moreso if it was against their wills. His ability to control them would only ever be limited.

    The weakness in Ivo's spiritual defenses that Domania revealed was a non-trivial tactical concern, but reading between the lines, what Domania had said there was that when she had possessed him he had had no means to stop her, and even now, what defenses he had were mostly of her own making. Domania clearly had no compunctions about exerting control over his body, and the triplets were skilled readers of people - they didn't miss that subtle deepening of his scowl when she had finished. If it meant what they thought it meant, he wasn't happy about it.

    They didn't know enough about their relationship to make a big deal out of it, to say anything or confront the spirit directly, yet anyway. If someone tried to call out Trinity, they would not be best pleased. But that didn't mean they weren't concerned. Domania seemed generally benevolent, but Trinity was a literal angel, and none of them would have been especially comfortable with him taking those sorts of liberties.

    They...elected not to comment when Starhammer was brought up. Their opinions on that subject were complicated, and they had yet to fully sort them out. Their discussions on the matter with each other had gotten heated even though none of them were actually sure they were in disagreement about it. Trinity's virtues were Faith, Hope, and Love, and whether by their own nature or the subtle influence of his presence, those virtues resonated with them. Faith said that one who follows their convictions when they believe it will help others is worthy of respect. Hope said that to make big improvements you must first make big change, and it is better to take risks in the service of making things better than to remain in a bad equilibrium because you fear the growing pains.

    Love said you don't start wars. Ever.

    The Nameless Light bade them to attend to whatever preparations they needed. There was a lot to do, if they were going to be away for a time. "We'll see you tomorrow, all!" Nadia told the group cheerily, excitement still bubbling in the undertone of her voice. Caleb gave the group a nod, Amy a little wave, and they headed out to begin their preparations.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2021-10-01 at 01:30 PM.
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