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Thread: Serious Plots 9: Srsr and srsr

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 9: Srsr and srsr

    New Snake Dreams

    "It's for smaller decisions in specific departments, such as mine, that wouldn't make sense bringing up to a vote in the court itself." Vez explains before gesturing besides Artie with one of his tails.

    As Artie looks where he's gesturing something strange happens.

    As she looked around Vex office nothing seemed to have changed. Still very much missing a ceiling as instead of lamp the never setting sun in the sky seemed to act as a light and heat source. The office all being made of stone.

    However, now there's suddenly one of those round cupola-like chairs right besides hers that definitely wasn't there before and it's also filled with at least a dozen snakes of various species. Notebly, these snakes are all covered in various amounts of bandages and some even have little crutches laying next to them.

    Artie will, through her predeccessors memories, realize that the snakes aren't literary covered in bandages or would have the need of crutches of all things. This is just how the aether is representing that they're wounded in a way she would understand visually. It might be a bit on the nose but the aether is rarely subtle.

    The snakes seem irritated at best and let's out small annoyed hisses as she's looking at them.

    "These are Binding of Baphoreth and they've been, in their own words, assulted by 'some kind of hoofed monster' while in the line of duty and were forced to abandon their charge.
    This is a fairly major breach of Law and would normally necessicitate a much stronger response but as we are in the nexus our means of enforcement are fairly limited.
    Normally, we'd go the the court of angels for this sort of thing but they're just as helpless as us in this case as neither of us has established ways to enforce Law in other realities."
    Vez now gestures towards her.

    "This is where you come in. You are actually our only member that's physically manifested within the nexus so the sub-council wanted to offer you the chance to parley with the Law Breakers.
    To make sure they understand why this Law was in place in the first place and why it would be in everyone's best interest if it remained so.
    However, this would require you to learn information that's been deemed to be dangerous for mortals to learn so it's quite a responsibility."
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2021-10-03 at 05:16 AM.