“Which god of war?” Veguz asked under his breath almost to himself, then dismissed the notion. “Fascinating. Tribal warriors,” he echoed, though the words fell flat, failing to express what was so clear in Garald’s mind. Truly, the adjective/noun lent the concept no favor.

Soon, the water came along with some bolts of fresh cloth and a rudimentary belt that could be fashioned toga-style into a functional frock. Refreshed, Garald soon found a stool waiting for him at a board. Veguz invited him when he was ready. A sumptuous board of cured meats, cheeses, and various pickled delicacies were laid out — at least that’s what they appeared to be. There was also a steeping cracked pot of tea brewing with a not-unpleasant yet very unusual smell. One other seat stood empty on the third side of the table.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Veguz announced. “My wife will be coming home soon to join us. We weren’t planning to have guests. She’s very hospitable…once, um, she gets to know you.”

Before Garald could answer, a shadow appeared in the entry. A hunched silhouette stood for long moments taking in the sight of the newcomer. Almost apologetically, Veguz suddenly stood abruptly, almost knocking over the table. “Maelda! You’re home!” came a nervous squeak.

“Who is this?!” came a sibilant challenge.

“A friend, Maelda,” replied Veguz. His voice had raised in pitch and sped up significantly. Presently an old wrinkled prune of a woman entered. She was dressed in a wild gown and shawl of dizzying sworls and outrageous colors looking very outlandish and vulgar. She rang with every creaking step with the jingle of her many copper bangles on her emaciated wrists and hoops hanging from her ears. “This is… ah…”

Veguz turned bright orange, green and purple. That was not just a euphemism. Those were the literal hues of his leathery hide, changing as sure as a chameleon’s. In his embarrassment he realized he didn’t even know the name of his newcomer guest. Baleful large eyes under the woman’s tangle of gray hair fell to rest upon Garald. They were full of suspicion and veiled rage.