Following suit with Joanna, Kara shifted back to a purely human form before planting her hands on her hips and heaving a ragged sigh.

"I'm not anything close expert, but I agree with Blaze. They think we're scared, or...weak? We've been putting out fires way too much instead of fireproofing.. y'know?" The Cahalith gave her braided blonde hair a frustrated tug. "We need to put them down before we worry about the bigger picture or this fire will burn our asses when our backs are turned."

"I'd say we need to save our strength for the Idigam, though. Wonder if there's a way we can distract them? I dunno. Just spit-balling here, y'know? What if we framed them for something? Called out a bomb threat or planted some drugs on them and called the cops? Like....that'll occupy them for at least a couple hours?"