Mishnehel's Home

"I could do that, make it longer anyway. Still needed to get it cut sometimes." Hair's dead, so it was a trickier change to make. "So! The day I became an angel. It didn't go to the best start. I'd been caught shoplifting, and the shop manager had good enough contacts someone came to collect me quickly. She was... not exactly low in the pecking order, of the Slaver's Guild. Don't know her name, but she moved slaves around often in a little caravan thing, and she was clearly in charge. Anyway, I managed to get away, and broke for an alleyway. There was a thing in there, a person mutated into a seagull. Kept saying 'bird, bird'. I asked for help, it pointed at a ladder, and I started to mutate. Grow feathers, to start with. From the roof, I saw more people enter this old building, and followed, mutating further as I went. My legs changed, knee moving up, ankle shifting, and toes splaying out, I had feathers all over, a long tail of black and white feathers, and a big stabby black beak. I stayed the same size, and my arms didn't change, but I couldn't fix it with my fluidity, the feathers stayed and bone's a nightmare to work with if you're not sure what you're doing. I learnt how to do fingers by experimentation and regular mistakes. Anyway, following these guys. Turns out someone had found an old power plant, where they'd been using a really big angel as a reactor, but it was giving off bird radiation. If you got exposed to the radiation, thinking about bird mutated you closer to being a bird. And once you'd started mutating, you also gave off this stuff." Not quite how it works, but a simplified form that Mishnehel could understand. "The others shut down the powerplant, whilst I was this five-foot tall magpie with arms instead of wings. This... thing flew out, and I grabbed it first, and... I thought 'I can absorb this, and it'd give me more order', so I did and there was a burst of flames and I stood there, afterwards, in the angel-shape I showed you earlier." The burst of flames, Mishnehel doesn't know, was the immolation and destruction of her soul.