Finished up Metroid Dread today, with 100% items. Fantastic game. The gameplay and movement are so fast and fluid, though the lack of customization for controls hurts a bit. I actually like the "stealth" sections, I think they offered up a nice change of pace and you could play them multiple ways. I kind of wish the game had pushed it a bit further, actually. The bosses are great, too.

The main issue I have with the game is the story. Yeah, I know it's a 2d Metroid game, but it really could have used some optional lore to help flesh out the areas. I don't need prime levels of scan visor text to read through, but just a bit to help tell me what all these different areas are about. What we got works, but it's too brief to leave an impact. I'm not quite sure I like how the ending played out. It would have been nice to get Samus's final thoughts after the game, too, like in fusion.