Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
Fettina's Place

There's a brief look of steely assessment in Cantata's eyes when she first registers the high-class look of the stranger before her, glancing down the chest and to the hip in an almost reflexive motion as she checks for signs of weaponry. Unfamiliar men in formal wear arriving unannounced was usually the prelude to an ugly fight or forceful threat within her line of work. Even so, the friendly demeanor proves enough to partially disarm the wary tenseness in her shoulders.

When the driver signs his message, it ends up being Cantata's turn to pause and process for a moment as blinks in surprise. A faint degree of color siphons from her cheeks before she nods and signs a quick I'll go retrieve her. Stepping away, she closes the door and hurries back.

Cantata steps back into Fettina's room and waits for her to ask on who it is before signing back an answer. A driver's here asking for you, dear. He says he's been sent here by your father.
Fettina's Place

The man appears to be unarmed. But if anything Fettina's told Cantata about her home is true, there are lots of ways for people to be dangerous without obvious weaponry. The driver tips his hat at Cantie's reply, a small gesture meant to say thank you, before he steps back from the door.

Fettina asks after it without lifting her head, only twisting enough to see Cantie's signs. Now that makes her sit up quick. "What? Are you sure? My dad?" She cusses as she starts to flip out of bed and kick around for last night's clothes. "Aw, goddamit! I knew I should have waited until the last minute to say something about the weddings!"