The other day, I was hovering over my wife's shoulder and saw her playing some kind of phone game. One that had you use space efficiently to create resources, which were used to make other resources, in a cute Facebook-style resource management game. All-in-all, it looked like something I wouldn't mind enjoying for a couple hours.

So I did what any terrible husband would do and introduced her to Anno.

We decided to pick up Anno 1880, since it was on sale, and got her started. Other than the abysmal tutorial campaign that doesn't explain jack s***, and the fact that there's no pause button (but you can slow down time), it's been going well. Despite burning through all of her money on things that weren't her fault, and the fact that the ruins the game puts on your starting island causing a pollution problem that's afflicting her houses, she's having a blast.

Once she gets bored of this one after the next 80 or so hours, I think I might introduce her to Zeus: Master of Olympus. She's a sucker for mythology and puzzles, and Zeus is basically a puzzle version of Anno with gods.