The man flipped, and hurled into a series of curses and threats at Barbara. But he refrained from trying to strike her -- he was still well inside the reach of Kate's halberd. The half orc snarled at him, clearly eager to find their compatriots and move on.

"Shut up. They're not worth it. Let Raam sort them out. he nodded at the party. "His name is Renk. And there was no one else here with us, so I don't know what you're talking about. Are we good here?"

With that, the half-orc started off after Rictus and Renk and the half elf eventually followed suit. The party shared a brief look between each other, as if to say, "Whelp, we're in it now." Before following the thieves down the docks.

Spoiler: Spoiler
Some thieves guild captains are run of the mill mobsters. Others are accomplished footpads and sneak thieves or experienced con men. Raam is none of those things. He's a violent half-giant bruiser who runs the Fort Clinton Slums through fear, intimidation and protection rackets. It's rumored that he carries a huge exotic sword, and some rumors even claim that he's psychic.

Spoiler: Oracle
Dench is actively hoping that when you reach Pier 42, someone named "Ghol" will decide to kill you and bring your corpses to Raam rather than cutting you in, but he's not willing to put himself at risk to that end. Ghol is guarding the end of the pier with 3 other thugs; apparently one of them is a mage and a bit of a sociopath.

Renk hopes the same but his animosity is split between you and Dench for putting him in this situation. But he trusts Rictus; if Rictus says you're cool he's less concerned about getting killed. By you, at least.

The half elf feels better now that Spoiler calmed him down. He's hoping once you meet Ghol and the thieves outnumber you again he'll feel better, but he clutches the Thunderstone Spoiler gave him tightly in his fist, ready to chuck it and run if things go south. If it comes to a fight, he's more likely to be a hindrance to his friends than you at this point.

Rictus' mind remains closed to you, and you lost the missing mind completely.

Julius however is not. At the edge of your empathic link you can feel him chasing his target. The missing thief is moving the same direction as you, west, but he's ahead of you. At this rate he'll reach Ghol and the others at the end of the pier first.

As the party marches forward, you can see the market about fifty yards or more ahead marking your destination. Pier 42. Somewhere off in the water to your left, the Chraal is docked, and Raam and his thieves are almost certainly aboard. You still have some time before you reach the pier, but not much. If you have Any checks or prep you want to do before you arrive, now's the time.