[Pilgrim's Way]

Braon gives Sekhmet a horrified and incredulous look. Did... did she just threaten this monster? Is she insane?! It could probably chew them both up in seconds! It probably would chew them both up if pushed too far! It certainly sounded like it wanted to!

"It bargainsss." The creature cackles, a horrible sound that might remind Sekhmet of someone burning alive. "You amusse uss, tiny morssel. Perhapss we will eat you lasst."

From the next street over, another creature rises in the dark. At least, it looks to be, until its "head" is over the street, spreading out wide into a set of five massive, boney fingers, two of which pinch Braon's cloak between them and lift her into the air.

"Wait! You want amusing I can give you amusing!" Braon calls, desperately trying to unclasp her cloak. "Um... um... how many fiendlings does it take to change a lightbulb?! No? Sekhmet, help!"