3516.) Call of the Civil
3517.) White Claw
3518.) Ode to the Dead
3519.) The Chastlah [sic][?] of Ending World 3
3520.) The Great Wheel of Discipline
3521.) The Gospel of Life
3522.) The Eternal Song
3523.) The Ultimate Dictionary
3524.) (beastiary of mundane animals described and chronicled by an alien source unfamiliar with them)
3525.) (tome theorizing/alledging that the elemental planes are each an infinitely vast elemental with all the regular elementals being aspects or avatars of these beings, or else they are otherwise made entirely out of dormant elementals)
3526.) a full length symphony score based on The Hearse Song
3527.) a recipe either for a Macbeth style witches' brew, or for sausages; it's impossible to tell which
3528.) An Unexpected Staycation
3529.) The Bank Statement of Randolph Carter
3530.) The Emerald Powerbook
3531.) Satanic Rituals For Dummies
3532.) Voyage of the Dusk Stepper