Potential: 0/5
Power: 0

Spoiler: Labels
  • Freak: +2
  • Danger: +1
  • Saviour: -1
  • Superior: +2
  • Mundane: -1

Spoiler: Current Form

Rune is deep in concentration when their focus is ruined by the buzzing of their phone where it lies on the heavy wooden table beside them. Considering the phone was silenced for all but a few critical numbers, the fact that it even vibrated told them it was something they needed to pay attention to.

Glancing around to make certain no one else in the library had been particularly disturbed by the alert, they flip their phone over to check the message.

...a bank robbery. It never ceases to amaze them that in a city so full of powered individuals, something like robbing a bank seems like a good idea to some. It does almost ensure that the robbers in question have powers of their own, however; it’s hardly worth a mundane’s time to risk bringing down superhuman trouble upon themselves.

< Presidio branch library; en route. > Rune began stuffing books into their bag, already mentally plotting a route. The library isn’t particularly far from the mall, as the crow flies, but it will still take time.

Slipping further into the stacks, they made their way to the stairwell with only the stumping of their cane on the floor for company. Well – the primary use is as a cane, but upon closer inspection it’s brazenly a bearded axe that is being used for support.

Ensuring no one is within sight, Rune goes down on one knee and pulls forth their handful of runestones from their pocket. Framing the spell within their mind, they cast the stones in a clatter onto the smooth floor. A smile crosses their features, and they scoop the stones from the floor and straighten, using the axe for support.
Once straightened, she is...changed. One of her Aspects is upon her, and she stands in a gown of dark green, her hair falling loose about her shoulders, and she can feel the Power surging in her, the connection to the magic strong.

”To wing,” Wyrd says, a smile curving her lips as she incants a spell of transport, her free hand performing the Signs of her dark sorcery.

A few moments later there are cries of surprise and fear at the main entrance to the library as a murder of crows streaks through with the whirring of a multitude of wings, the dark birds streaming towards the mall and the robbery in progress.

Spoiler: OOC:
Assuming Form: 12
4 Power, +1 for Crest of Mana