Quote Originally Posted by Ironsmith View Post
Breonite looks at Marcie like she just asked what color the sky was. "...On my nightstand." She replies evenly.

Seth's eyes widen. "You tore out his heart?!"

"It's been the most reliable way to contain strigoi ever since the curse started." Breonite scowls. "And it seems less cruel than locking them on an oubliette somewhere. At least as it stands, they get nightly visitations and feedings."
Marcie looks at Breonite with a new appreciation.
"Well, I wouldn't presume to take something from the queen's nightstand, but I do need to talk to him."
"And I do wonder why the other clergy haven't found a replacement. Do they hope for his release still?"

[Prison Realm]
Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
The door rattles, and the Hands of Justice start to swing their flails. They don't attack, just swinging in a threat and preparing to pounce if it looks like Kiun will open the cell door. My powers are limited. My energy reserves are finite, and whilst I have not used much in the time I have spent imprisoned, the systems I put in place to replenish my energies has fallen into disrepair and no longer works. I could grant godhood, or the other two gifts. All three would leave me totally depleted, and I would essentially die. Imprisonment is better than death.
((Didn't you say that the ones with flails went to visit the Weevil's cell, and it was the other two that came with Kiun?))

Kiun stretches out her wings, and an invisible force of magic tries to lift the Hands of Justice up from the walkway and levitate them out over the edge.
"Listen. You can hear somehow, right? Anyway, I know you have your purpose here, but you can't push me around."
Well, literally they can, but it upsets here.

The for a moment, she tilts her head in thought, considering what she was taught about friendship and love.
"Just the god-ness, then." Companionship is supposed to come from actual commonality and recognition, not deals with ominous magic skulls.
But gods are cheating anyway, so one may as well get them here as anywhere.