[Wild Mike's]

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[Wild Mike's]

Pick-up as in... dating?
Jaahlyn felt pretty dumb for not picking up all this. She really had avoided casual interaction with people for far too long.
Still, she chuckles at Ecstasy as if she had really got that joke. "I was planning to put them aside as soon as possible anyway and it will take time to, eh, set things up so I'll just haul this behind the stage somewhere and we'll run your errand first. You said it wouldn't take much time anyway, right?"

If the succubus agrees, Jaahlyn will tow the trolley and the cage somewhere off-stage and they can go to the shop and pick up those t-shirts.
[==> Riverside Streets]

Ecstacy does, of course, agree to this. In a few minutes, she and Jaahlyn are out the door, walking to the aforementioned shirt shop (unless Jaahlyn has a better mode of transportation). Jaahlyn will note that, despite the risks associated with exposure, Ecstacy hasn't bothered to re-up her mortal disguise, proudly displaying her horns and tail as they go down the street. Predictably, this is met with a few angry stares.

"So, Jaahlyn..." The succubus prompts. "What got you into music in the first place?"

Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
[Wild Mike's]

"This might be true, but since you took action by hireing us, it is possible that he changes his behavior. It is for your best intrested if I keep that in mind." Fade says in his emotionless voice. Which I should say he enver drops.
He let's the Succubus pat his shoulder and she might feel that they are well trained. As they start to get into a disagreement about his behavior he holds up a hand at Euphoria to interrupt her from lecture the other succubus.

"There is no need to drop it." he then looks at Marianne. "This is no unfamiliar situation for me. My kind lacks emotions in general due to our world and livestyle. I can go into further details, if we have time and completed all nessesary preperations."
"Unfortunately, I don't." Mania quips, staggering a little under her stack of paperwork. "I've got lots of John Hancocks to write... heh, heh... ...so I'm off to the back office to get some of that done now. You kids have fun!"

And with that, she's off.

Euphoria gives her an annoyed glare as she skips off, papers in hand. "Kids". Hmph. Like there wasn't a five-hundred year age differnece between them, in her favor.

...It looks like all the mercs who were going to be here, were. Good. She can get up now.

"You come with me." She says bluntly, moving toward the alley where their tour bus was parked. "We have some supplies to unload." She pauses, then, "If you must, tell me that story while we're working."