[Eun's Lab]

Given the context, Eun's willing to bet that last message is something to the effect of "Are you crazy?! Don't do that!" followed by either a few hundred reasons why not or a detailed report on what all just went wrong... which would be everything. At any rate, this message seems to be a much more robust source of linguistic information than the other messages, so naturally Eun copies it down, too.

When she has a sufficiently large number of shutdown codes available, Eun is going to switch gears (metaphorically but also somewhat literally) and attempt to construct a rudimentary peripheral for the virtual device, creating a cluster of cells designed to reflect back whatever signals they were given, then attaching it to the syringe-like connector. If that dialog box that keeps popping up is an error message demanding a connection, this should remedy it, though likely also cause another error in its place. She's also going to try a few shutdown methods with this artifice, including the one that causes explosions; it's more practical than trying to find the main driving gear in a hurry.