Amanu leaves his musket at the back without protest.

Amanu smiles slightly at the service, while not his own faith, it bares many of the same beliefs and earns the townsfolk his respect.

After listening to the request, Amanu wears a knowing grin. "Ah, my brothers and sisters, what greater reward could there be than the bounties of nature? Food from the earth, shelter and warmth from the woods? Indeed, such rewards are quite appropriate for protecting the lands from these" his voice thickens with detest and his grin turn into a grimace "unnatural intrusions."

He takes a breath and composes himself. "I am more than happy to investigate these matters in exchange for my basic needs. It is only a fair trade to support nature as it supports us." He turns to meet the gaze of all gathered and gestures widely to all that surrounds him. "I am Amanu, and I shall seek out all who would desecrate that which grants us such bounty as you see before us. I welcome all who would join me in restoring the proper balance to the land."